Hello, dearest readers,
It’s been a while, I know. School and work have been taking up all my time, not to mention family, sleep, and breathing in general!
Let’s get into it.
First and foremost, I finished my spring nursing semester about three weeks ago and passed with flying colors. It was rough, with loads of new content, learning new skills, and testing. We also had several group projects, which took much of my valuable and limited free time. That wouldn’t have been so bad, except then we had clinicals, where you spend at a hospital or medical facility and work as a nurse under another nurse, and I worked nights as an EMT in the emergency room.
There are two things I have learned and want to pass on to you.
- If you dig deep for something you are passionate about, you can have an infinite supply of energy. My family and friends are amazed at how much I can keep going. My energy levels feel effortlessly high no matter what I do in this new career change.
- Don’t sleep on it. If you’re considering making a career change, there is no such thing as too old. I’m 38 now, and I had such a small vision that I thought I was stuck and that it was too late to follow my dreams. No matter what you do, you’ll still be 50, 60, 70, and so on. If you are unsatisfied with life, take the plunge and change it up.
So, what is currently going on?
I started summer classes last week, but they are easier because they are online, and I don’t have to drive every day to school. Just recently trained as a stabilization tech at the ED, so my job/professional identity is growing. I now get to work with trauma doctors and critical care nurses when we take heavy trauma and critical life-threatening conditions. It’s wild to think that 2 years ago, my life was ultimately the opposite. Dull, repetitive, and on a path of self-loathing.
Today, my work is challenging, my education is expanding, and my overall outlook on life is joy-filled. It is a constant adventure of adrenaline and helping people out, which is the penultimate goal of everything I want.
For those of you who know me in real life. You’d probably say, “Yeah, you should have been doing something like this years ago.”
And that’s what it’s all about—finding your passion, thing, adventure, and courage and going toward your purpose like a bullet train.
And so, with most of my posts, I’ll leave you with a poem. It’s about the current state. It takes courage to move off the path you can see and are used to, and sometimes, moving toward the unknown includes battles for your passion. Saying goodbye to comfort is always hard and can lead to unknown battles.
The Stoney Path
Gregory Scott Gentry II
The rocks rattled, and dust whirled,
At that moment, he found his hand.
Breathing deep, fingers curled,
Around the hilt, his sword would stand.
Sweat trickled through his brow,
A smirk formed on his face.
Off the stone-lined path now,
He stepped with resolute grace.
All for nothing, he did muse,
All for everything, he swore.
To a destination, he would choose,
Known to him nevermore.
The path, a comfort always near,
Now led to places unshown.
A ragged signpost did appear,
Its words faded, unknown.
“We’ll be strangers again, farewell,”
He whispered to the past.
The wind picked up, the trees did swell,
As he left the path at last.
The sounds of battle, distant cries,
Echoed through the air.
He looked back, a heavy sigh,
“Farewell, old friend,” his final prayer.
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